It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
It’s a beautiful day for a neighbor with this week’s #BookFaceFriday! If the sight of a red cable knit cardigan brings a smile to your face, and our opening line has a jingle playing in your mind, this is the book for you. “The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers” by Maxwell King (Harry N. Abrams, 2018). It’s a New York Times bestseller and the 2018 Goodreads Choice Award Winner for History & Biography. This book is a part of our NLC Book Club Kit collection and I can’t think of a better way to add some nonfiction to a book club!
“As the extreme importance of our most gifted teachers, and the credit they are due, become ever more evident, Maxwell King has provided a superb, thoughtful biography of the brilliant Fred Rogers, who with his long-running television show, reached more children than any teacher ever. The enormous amount of thought, creative talent, and hard work that Rogers put into every aspect of the show becomes abundantly clear in this book, as do the lessons in empathy and kindness that he took so to heart. Much there is for all of us to learn in Maxwell King’s The Good Neighbor.” — David McCullough
This week’s #BookFace model is NLC’s Director, Rod Wagner! I’d like to note that we did not plan his wardrobe, it was pure kismet.
Let’s make the most of this beautiful day
Since we’re together, might as well say
Would you be my, could you be my
Won’t you be my neighbor?
Love this #BookFace & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at Check out our past #BookFaceFriday photos on the Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!
The post #BookFaceFriday “The Good Neighbor” appeared first on Nebraska Library Commission Blog.